Java is a versatile and widely-used programming language that’s essential for many careers in technology. Whether you’re aiming to build web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software, Java’s robustness and platform independence make it an excellent choice for beginners. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the fundamentals of Java, offering clear explanations and practical examples to get you started on your coding journey.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Syntax
    • Hello World Program
    • Structure of a Java Program
  3. Objects and Classes
    • Defining Classes
    • Creating Objects
  4. Basic Data Types
    • Primitive Data Types
    • Non-Primitive Data Types
  5. Variable Types
    • Local Variables
    • Instance Variables
    • Class/Static Variables
  6. Operators in Java
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Relational Operators
    • Logical Operators
  7. Loops in Java
    • For Loop
    • While Loop
    • Do-While Loop
  8. Decision Making
    • If Statements
    • Switch Statements
  9. Strings in Java
    • Creating Strings
    • String Methods
  10. Arrays
    • Defining Arrays
    • Multidimensional Arrays
  11. Regular Expressions
    • Pattern Matching
    • Using Regex in Java
  12. Methods
    • Defining Methods
    • Method Overloading
    • Method Overriding
  13. File Handling
    • Reading Files
    • Writing Files
  14. Exception Handling
    • Try-Catch Block
    • Handling Multiple Exceptions
  15. Interfaces and Packages
    • Creating Interfaces
    • Using Packages
  16. Java Applets
    • Introduction to Applets
    • Building a Simple Applet